Our Mission

Eternal Aromatics brings organic, healing scents to those who trust the curative power of nature. If it isn't completely natural, we don't want it in our medicine! Contained in glass, the ingredients in this product are simple: Pure Essential Oils, Flower Waters, Spring Waters, Grain Alcohol & Prayers. All batches are made small & hand-blended at length for nourishing the mind, body, & soul.

What Are Floral Spirit Waters?

Floral waters are 100% natural aromatic perfume blends created by hand and nose for the purpose of healing. The art of healing perfumes has been used in many folk healing traditions throughout South America for millenia. Eternal Aromatics creates all their floral waters in small-batches with careful prayers as outlined by tradition.

Floral Water

Clean yourself up.

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For trauma release.

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Agua de Ruta

Protection from the dark arts.

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Why Seek Out Natural Fragrances?

Synthetic fragrances have been shown to be more toxic than we ever realized. These compounds pollute waterways, affect amphibian populations negatively, and harm you health! Many synthetic compounds used in the fragrance industry have been shown to nuerotoxins and endrocrine disrupters. The Skin Deep Database is a independent third-party that tests the safety of cosmetics and fragrances. Visit their site to see if your perfumes are harming your health!

The Many Uses of Floral Waters

    Rid your home of bacteria, pathogens, and negative energies.

    Consecrate sacred objects or ceremonial spaces.

    Put into a spray bottle for cleaning the air.

    To reset yourself after a stressful day, place a small amount in your hands, rub palms together, and breathe deeply into your cupped hands a few times.

    Brighten up a space that feels sad or neglected.

    Bless parts of your body that have been injured or experienced trauma.

    Dilute with water to cool yourself down on a hot day.

    Use as a bodily perfume after properly diluting with a little bit of your favorite oil.

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